This guide describes how to control the timeline in PIXERA via Artnet or sACN.
This article deals with the native integration and not the control solution.
See also Timeline Output Patching Artnet / sACN DMX
API Setup
To enable patching for the timeline, the API settings must first be set.
Make sure that the input adapter is selected correctly and make sure that Artnet or sACN is used as input protocol.
Patching Table
In the next step, the patching window is opened in the Layer inspector under “Setup” in the “DMX Patch” group with the “Patch Timeline” button.
The addresses can be assigned here.
Checkboxes can be used to select which elements are controlled via Artnet / sACN.
This patching Table can be exported as GDTF and as XML Table, the XML Table export will also generate an HTML page with an overview.
After this step, the patched elements should already be controllable.
In the “API” tab in the settings, you can use the button “Show Network Activity” to display which API inputs and outputs are currently active.
- “Tx Bytes” Represents bytes sent
- "Rx Bytes" Represents bytes received
If an API Output/Input does not receive or send any bytes, this means that the wrong adapter may be selected, at least the data will not be captured by PIXERA
Input and output values can be checked with Artnetominator and sACNViewer as an example.
Pixera 2.0.172 | 4. September 2024 | J.B.