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Moving Objects

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Moving Objects

Objects can be moved by clicking and dragging, or by changing the corresponding position values in the Inspector.

Moving an object by dragging. Axes determine the plane on which the object can be moved

Viewing and manipulating the position values in the Inspector


TIP: A convenient way of changing values in the Inspector is to click on the corresponding input value field and drag the mouse up or down. Also check Pixera's powerful options to apply math operationswhen entering a value.

An object’s position values in the inspector

Moving objects in the Workspace

Object movement is restricted to a single plane. To define the plane on which an object can be moved, its corresponding side has to be selected. Hovering the mouse over a side will highlight it, selecting it will restrict the movement to this plane. 


Example: Selecting the top side of an object will restrict movement of the object to the horizontal plane.

Hovering over one side of an object to grab it on the corresponding plane

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