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AVStumpfl - PixeraHub

 1 Minute



This module is for connection with the Pixera Hub on your local network, in this module you can use windows based commands like restart or even wakeonlan. It is also possible to run Pixera or Presence.

Pixera Hub Module


Control Functions like Start/Stop Pixera or Presence of the Pixera Hub.



Adapter IP: adapter where the System try to connect to the HUB

IP: IP Address of the System where the HUB is running

Port: Port that the Module is connect with HUB

Installs: What default Version should Start.

Refresh Time in Sec: Refresh the Stats all x secends.














Action Info Input Output
ref referene function to combine/group Modules - self
init connet to Pixera Hub - -
uninit disconnect and unload - -
reconnect disconnect and connect automaticly - -
IP IP of the system readonly IP Address (string)
Port Port of the system where the hub is running and connected readonly Port (int)
MAC mac address of the server. is needed for wake (wake on lan) MAC (string) MAC (string)
isPixeraRunning status if Pixera is running on the system readonly true/false
isPresenceRunning status if Presence is running on the system readonly true/false
startetVersion what version number is running currently running readonly Version (string)
getDefaultVersion what version is the configuret default version readonly Version (string)
getInstalls internal function to get the Installed versions of Pixera - Table
reboot reboot the system. if input is true force reboot is send to system force (bool) -
shutdown shutdown the system. if input is true force reboot is send to system force (bool) -
startPixera start Pixera. if version is not set start the default version version (string) -
startPresence start Presence. if version is not set start the default version version (string) -
stopPixera close Pixera if running - -
stop Presence close Presence if running - -
wake send a wake on lan if MAC is set - -
Internal Internal Actions to get informatons - -
getIp gets the IP - IP Address
getPort gets the Port - Port
query send a http get command method(string), data(json string) bool, string 
mutate send a http post command method(string), data(json string) bool, string 
updateMac gets the Mac address - MAC address
updateStats run all get actions and set stats - -

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