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Changelog 2.0

 18 Minutes



Pixera 2.0.172  
 30 Aug 24



* Fix: GUI: Crash fixed when timeline was selected in timeline library with narrow layout.
* Fix: Effects: LumaKey effect fixed.
* Fix: Screens: Copied screen displays test pattern immediately if test patterns are enabled.
* Fix: Installer: Pixera installer also installed Hub if Hub was already available. Problem arose in 1.9.169. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Notch. Refreshing Notch resource added obsolete multi-layer-selection-dropbox for projects originating from 2.1 pixera versions. Fixed.
Pixera 2.0.167  
 26 Aug 24


* Feature: Vioso: Vioso 6 integration available.
* Feature: Deltacast 6.25 implemented
* Feature: Output patching Matrix
* Feature: MQTT



* Brush: Dry Clients: Clients only initialize with hardware default names when they are first discovered.
* Brush: Dry Clients: Dry->live initial routing via name matching. Live system name retained on engine reload.
* Brush: Dry Clients: Dry->live via client IP change.
* Brush: Dry Clients: Existing dry clients are destroyed on project change. Devices and streams of live systems which have no complement in render engine  are also destroyed on project change.
* Brush: Dry Clients: Different color in tree for devices, outputs and streams waiting for render engine complement.
* Brush: Dry Clients: Service can be reset to current live structure.
* Brush: Dry Clients: Custom usage transfer with routing matrix.
* Brush: Dry Clients: Default name for newly discovered graphics cards is the numeric name ("Graphics Card X" instead of hardware type).
* Brush: Dry Clients: Devices or outputs and streams with missing render engine complemenmt can be removed by user. 

* Brush: Vioso: Shown vioso control (version 5 or 6) depends on license.
* Brush: Vioso: Deactivate local inputs when starting Vioso to avoid blocking cameras.
* Brush: Vioso: Added Vioso lifecycle notification in Control per screen.
* Brush: Vioso: Coordinates outside the range of [0..1] are ignored by default. Behaviour can be changed by user.
* Brush: Vioso: Added Control output to notify if Vioso was started or terminated.

* Brush: Timeline: MultiFx. Using manual editable json files to define available effects instead of dynamic assignment. Effects in alphabetical order.
* Brush: Timeline: Initial values: possibility to define default layer effects added.

* Brush: Mapping: RGBA Art-Net output mapping added.
* Brush: Mapping: Dmx fixture visualizer colors updated.

* Brush: Screens: Disabled preview rendering of screens is restored when workspace rendering is disabled also if project was not saved.
* Brush: Screens: LED database updated.

* Brush: Resources: Dmx batch assign dialog can be applied and closed with "enter".
* Brush: Resources: Moved layer effects into sub folders.

* Brush: Installer: Pixera Hub in the Pixera installer available.
* Brush: Installer: Removed Vioso 5 binaries from installer.

* Brush: Service: Always show video devices in library tree also if no streams exist.
* Brush: Service: No more automatic fallback if default cache drive is not available (was sometimes falsely reported as not available).

* Brush: Mapping: I/O Routing: Text color for entries with missing render engine compliment changed.
* Brush: Mapping: Changed feed rect selection in library tree leads to changed view in workspace if different screen is shown.

* Brush: Unreal: Unreal engine version for Unreal resource updated. Default for render API changed.
* Brush: Unreal: NDsiplay port number and handling for preview service corrected.

* Brush: Presence: Presence only starts the requested engine version and does not fallback to another installed version.
* Brush: Mapping: Do not render feeds for video stream outputs in app mode Mapping.
* Brush: Notch: More log outputs added.
* Brush: API: Possibillity to delete all files in specified cached directory added.
* Brush: Settings: Initial values: possibility to define default layer effects: do not create effects for compositing layer.
* Brush: Backup: Video stream names may differ on clients for backup use.
* Brush: Effects: Search for thumbnail first next to glsl file and then in thumbnail folder.
* Brush: Deltacast Input: Sdk update from 6.23 to  6.25 and improved compatibility with older driver versions.
* Brush: Video Source: Faster spontaneous video load.
* Brush: Live Input: Deltacast anti jitter frame queue can be enabled in Live Input resource.
* Brush: API: Added enable/disable all outputs, on screen statistics and display identification to API.
* Brush: DMX: Multi effects follow new effect sorting.
* Brush: GUI: Screen texture calculation when using layer mapping effect with dialog to show progress.
* Brush: Installer: Installer with Hub.
* Brush: Unreal: Changed "Master" to "Primary" in nDisplay config dialog (Epic has changed the wording in their documentation as well).



* Fix: Timeline: MultiFx. Dominant values were not matched correctly to the shader values. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: MultiFx. Fxs with larger param ct also contain fxs with smaller param ct.
* Fix: Timeline: MultiFx. Integer, enum, or bool parameter were not shown. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: MultiFx. Parameters were not reset to "unused" when selecting fx with less parameters. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: MultiFx. Fx was not reset correctly when canceling domination of selection param. Old fx was still visible. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Cues: adding or subtracting time causes cues to be unselectable and invisible. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Do not offer rename or remove for Notch folder.
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline speed. If multiple clips exist on a single layer sometimes the wrong clip was shown for speed unequal to 1. 
* Fix: Timeline: Unreal Data Layer. Directly after creation, dominant values of the single params were not indicated by the folder and layer dominators.
* Fix: Timeline: Moving nowpointer from one clip to another clip (both clips close to each other) may result in showing incorrect clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Volume Parameter. Keyframes disappeared behind waveform. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Undo changes of clip size parameter failed. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Entering full screen does not clear dominant values anymore.
* Fix: Timeline: Cut Tool. In some cases it was impossible to click the cut pointer. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Transport Keys. When setting running nowpointer from free loop clip to "very close in front of it", sometimes transport keys were timed incorrectly. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Move to Previous Cue / Next Cue. When moving to preceder two times (in less than 1 sec), the third cue was ignored.
* Fix: Timeline: Keyframe Copying to the End of a Clip Will Make Keyframes Past the End Disappear. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Clips. Inter layer movement of a clip into a larger clip deleted the source clip. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Clip Blend Mode. When jumping from a stop cue to different other cues output sometimes vanished if non standard blend clips participated. Fixed.
* Fix: Timeline: Snapping. Clips were snapped to near(a few pixels) cues despite of vertical lock. Fixed.

* Fix: Mapping: Broadcast setting of Art-Net output video stream is not reset immediately anymore.
* Fix: Mapping: Do not clear source when mappings are copied to other service.
* Fix: Mapping: Alphabetical sort in library tree takes signature into account.
* Fix: Mapping: FFD modifier was not initialized correctly in all cases. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Mappings were not updated correctly after being copied to other service. Fixed.
* Fix: Mapping: Missing update after changing FFD properties added.
* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed when changing multiple aggregate output assignments for an active screen.
* Fix: Mapping: I/O Routing: Several update problems fixed.

* Fix: Dry Clients: Leading/trailing white space from user-entered names for graphics cards, outputs, etc. removed to help avoid inadvertent name mismatches.
* Fix: Dry Clients: Support for multiple Deltacast, Decklink or Datapath cards at the same time ensured again.
* Fix: Dry Clients: Stream-oriented devices always added before graphics-card-oriented devices when updating live systems from current hardware state.
* Fix: Dry Clients: Video device matching corrected.
* Fix: Dry Clients: Use full device structure of incoming service if existing service was always hibernating and therefore has no devices.
* Fix: Dry Clients: Outputs which are enabled during run time are now loaded correctly.
* Fix: Dry Clients: File with hardware names (local_structure.json) is matched correctly to incoming video streams.
* Fix: Dry Clients: Type of video stream created while service was dry was not always restored correctly when service changed state.

* Fix: Usage Presets: Changed streams trigger staleness check.
* Fix: Usage Presets: Stream-oriented mappings can be restored again using usage presets.
* Fix: Usage Presets: Application of presets that refer to streams no longer automatically leads to preset staleness.
* Fix: Usage Presets: Staleness check made more robust against false positives (less content-independent differentiation in mapping representation).

* Fix: Control: Update of view's remote complement no longer leads to node representation detaching from core.
* Fix: Control: Continue processing references to remote modules even if one of the modules is not accessible.
* Fix: Control: Text search works in project subtab.

* Fix: Resources: Fixed a crash when deleting multiple nested resource folders.
* Fix: Resources: File distribution did not work in some situations when engine was lost and was restarted.
* Fix: Resources: Duplicate assets after project load fixed.
* Fix: Resources: Fixed bundling for unreal resources.

* Fix: Vioso: Calibration reload is enforced in engine by clearing loaded calibration first.
* Fix: Vioso: VWFs were not applied after manual distribution. Fixed.
* Fix: Vioso : Calibrator is only started if valid license is available. No impact on output license check but to avoid confusion.
* Fix: Vioso: Vioso 6: Client closes after Calibrator on Director is closed. Outputs get activated after Vioso calibration. VWF distribution corrected.

* Fix: Color: Test patterns are displayed when ocio is used.
* Fix: Color: Compositing layer use default ocio profile.

* Fix: Service: Possible loss of stream or output configuration due to engine communication problems on startup fixed.
* Fix: Service: Problems with Deltacast streams and output activeness after restart fixed (problems introduce in 2.0.109).

* Fix: Screens: Corrupt LUT does not lead to GUI freeze anymore when loaded as output color transform.
* Fix: Projectors: Calculation of look at distance is now more robust.
* Fix: Timecode: Time backshift due to incorrect speed of reference point forward projection avoided.
* Fix: Test Patterns: Correct resolution will now be displayed for test pattern resources bigger than maximum GPU texture size.
* Fix: Assets: Distributed asset check for compositing resources fixed.
* Fix: Audio Input: Deltacast audio input made more robust against crashes arising from unexpected driver buffer usage. 
* Fix: Notch: Pixera effects did not work for notch blocks with multi layers. Fixed.
* Fix: Warp: Avoid unnecessary warp mesh reinitiliazition.
* Fix: Live Systems: Live systems now fully initialized even if project contains no timeline.
* Fix: Unreal: Fixed crash when pressing delete in unreal data layer dialog without having anything selected.
* Fix: Compositing: Layer selection fixed when using multiple screen groups.
* Fix: SMPTE TC Input: Less fragile SMPTE TC input drift correction heuristic.
* Fix: Mapping: GUI could freeze when importing project with invalid output assignment. Fixed.
* Fix: Service: Activate all outputs based on startup settings fixed.
* Fix: Assets: Network shares are now distributed to clients after application start.
* Fix: Live Input: Preview stream was not initialized correctly in certain situations. Fixed.
* Fix: Engine: Perspective screen texture coordinates creation fixed. Error was introduced by change "Dominant values with delay time start blending from current value when new value is set." in 2.0.156. This change was reverted.



Pixera 2.0.105  intermediate
 07 Jun 24


* Brush: Multi User: State shown in top bar via icon.  
* Brush: Multi User: Warning when undo/redo would affect remote edit.  
* Brush: Multi User: Remove Absent button to remove closed or lost session members from list.  

* Brush: Mapping: DMX fixture: Empty channels can be created between color channels by setting stride and shift.  
* Brush: Mapping: DMX fixture channel visualization.  

* Brush: Dry Clients: Batch rename options (from template, hardware name and internal id numbers).   

* Brush: Timeline: Copy FX structure from one layer to other layers.  
* Brush: Timeline: Audio waveform performance improved.  

* Brush: Effects: Backwards compatibility: projects created in 1.8 or lower also handle newly added effects like in 1.8.  
* Brush: Effects: Vignette effect updated.  

* Brush: Engine: NDI updated to version 6.0.0.  
* Brush: Engine: Reduced load times for videos assigned via dominant values.   

* Brush: Usage Presets: UI shows if usage preset does not match associated live system.  
* Brush: Presence: Presence status only green if connection to manager exists (and engine executable could be found).  
* Brush: Default Colors: RAL 1021 Rape yellow renamed to colza yellow.  
* Brush: Licensing: Stacked control licenses use the most powerful control version.  
* Brush: Control: ISAAC modules updated (version 1.02)  
* Brush: Resources: Custom asset root (dev feature).  
* Brush: Compositing: Visible layer can be selected in outer compositing despite the selected screen group.  
* Brush: GUI: Labels in inspector can be edited while selected object receives input via API.  


* Fix: Timeline: Inconsistent inspector to clip relation for overlapping clips. E.g. nowpointer could not be set correctly in Timeline Snippet. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Follow Nowpointer causes nowpointer to be set to wrong position when nowpointer is close to next automatic scrolling step. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Shortcut to apply next or previous cue moves edit transport.  
* Fix: Timeline: If a layer-reference clip follows closely (within a few seconds) to a free loop clip on the same layer the expected preceding clip output sometimes vanished. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Resolution change of a resource (e.g. a Live Input showing up) enforces timeline to update layer scale.  
* Fix: Timeline: Rendering of Layer Reference Resource fixed if referenced layer is set to "2d Oriented Workflow".  
* Fix: Timeline: Transport was not working after multi user distribution. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Audio. Free loop audio clips started when running into a pause cue close to but before the clip. Fixed.  

* Fix: Control: Attribute kind change fully reflected in GUI.  
* Fix: Control: Action execution reporting can handle higher frequency of reports.  
* Fix: Control: ISAAC module no longer encounters Enterprise anti-tampering check.  
* Fix: Control: Connection-oriented modules with IsOpen attributes correctly show connection state.  
* Fix: Control: Import of folder-oriented modules into library via "+" button no longer only imports main.json.  
* Fix: Control: Connected actions were not executed. Fixed.

* Fix: Resource: "Case Sensitive" option for file versioning fixed.  
* Fix: Resource: Predefined color palette fixed.  
* Fix: Resource: Fixed returning custom content root as default transfer storage in some circumstances.  
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not being able to distribute resources that can't have a file version.  
* Fix: Resource: Unnecessary conversion tasks are not created anymore after project load.  
* Fix: Resource: Prevent import of files beginning with ".".  
* Fix: Resources: Assets created for all new file versions.  
* Fix: Resource: Fixed distribution of fonts.  
* Fix: Resources: Asset transfer between multi-user members made more robust (after changes necessary for incorporation of hybrid mode).  

* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed if mapping was selected in project tree and mapping was destroyed due to output changes.  
* Fix: Mapping: Video Stream can not be assigned to multiple resources in node system anymore. Changes in node system are distributed via multi-user.  
* Fix: Mapping: Multiple output mappings do not cover each other anymore if some of the mappings belong to screens only seen from the back.   
* Fix: Mapping: Update problems of warp window fixed when changing selection between rotated projectors.  
* Fix: Mapping: Output routing: Moving existing connections leads to correct disconnect of first device. Fixed missing update after take over.  
* Fix: Mapping: Crash fixed when projector has inactive mappings and color correction is changed.  
* Fix: Mapping: Changes to aggregate output layout may not lead to abandoned output assignment anymore.  

* Fix: Screen: Screen type is changed if 3d object is loaded for generic screen.  
* Fix: Screens: Missing test pattern was not created in certain situations. Fixed.  
* Fix: Screen: LED panel properties with bounds.   
* Fix: Screens: Ensure that existing testpattern resource has the correct path after loading bundled project.  
* Fix: Screen: Do not create multiple test patterns per screen anymore.  

* Fix: Multi User: Fixed not being able to select file version across multi user nodes.  
* Fix: Multi User: FX add to timeline is now distributed.  
* Fix: Multi User: Resource version distribution and selection fixed.  
* Fix: Multi User: More robust live system child name change application (new names survives engine restart).  
* Fix: Multi User: Multi-user member analysis at startup could be incomplete, leading to project transfer despite pull setting "Never". Fixed.  

* Fix: GUI: Button bar above workspace is always visible in Compositing even if no ingestion license is available.  
* Fix: GUI: Unused preview clipping controls removed. Clipping is set in preview camera.  
* Fix: GUI: Possible freeze fixed when creating unique signature for new screen group.  
* Fix: GUI: Perspective inspector loaded when perspective is selected in compositing.  

* Fix: Dry Clients: Misleading engine restart warning avoided when using default discovery IP.  
* Fix: Dry Clients: More robust live system restart after network connection becomes inoperative.  
* Fix: Dry Clients: More robust TCP/IP connection management.  

* Fix: Assets: Fixed not being able to distribute to local cache.  
* Fix: Assets: Fixed distribution overrides including local utility service not working.  

* Fix: DMX: Fixed layer transport only working when resource was dominant.  
* Fix: Audio: Fixed audio playback is stuttering when starting too many audio layers at once.  
* Fix: Preview: Layer offset scaling does not affect direct manipulation scaling anymore.  
* Fix: Direct API: Direct API access to timeline parameter values restored after preview edit or timeline fades.  
* Fix: Service: Art-Net output streams created from csv file show correct state in inspector.  
* Fix: Settings: Try to create preview cache directory if it does not exist on startup and do not fall back to C:\ .  
* Fix: Logs: Files with file extension ".log" are exported to zip file.  
* Fix: Live Input: Enumeration of Spout inputs and outputs fixed.   
* Fix: Test Patterns: Test patterns ensured after copy/paste.  
* Fix: Vioso: Wrong calibration for 360° setup fixed.  
* Fix: Softedge: Softedges were not created since version 2.0.53. Fixed.  
* Fix: Engine: Certain frames were not shown for 50fps timeline if now pointer jumped to them directly.  
* Fix: API: Screen transformation via Direct API fixed.  
* Fix: Licensing: Reset license at init maintains serial number (allowing request formulation for valid license).  
* Fix: Workspace: Missing initialization of zoom handle in warp window fixed.  
* Fix: Engine: Cube LUTs with \r\n line ending can be loaded.  



Pixera 2.0.65  
13  May 24


* Brush: Multi User: State shown in top bar via icon.  
* Brush: Multi User: Warning when undo/redo would affect remote edit.  
* Brush: Multi User: Remove Absent button to remove closed or lost session members from list.  

* Brush: Mapping: DMX fixture: Empty channels can be created between color channels by setting stride and shift.  
* Brush: Mapping: DMX fixture channel visualization.  

* Brush: Dry Clients: Batch rename options (from template, hardware name and internal id numbers).   

* Brush: Timeline: Copy FX structure from one layer to other layers.  
* Brush: Timeline: Audio waveform performance improved.  

* Brush: Effects: Backwards compatibility: projects created in 1.8 or lower also handle newly added effects like in 1.8.  
* Brush: Effects: Vignette effect updated.  

* Brush: Engine: NDI updated to version 6.0.0.  
* Brush: Engine: Reduced load times for videos assigned via dominant values.   

* Brush: Usage Presets: UI shows if usage preset does not match associated live system.  
* Brush: Presence: Presence status only green if connection to manager exists (and engine executable could be found).  
* Brush: Default Colors: RAL 1021 Rape yellow renamed to colza yellow.  
* Brush: Licensing: Stacked control licenses use the most powerful control version.  
* Brush: Control: ISAAC modules updated (version 1.02)  
* Brush: Resources: Custom asset root (dev feature).  
* Brush: Compositing: Visible layer can be selected in outer compositing despite the selected screen group.  
* Brush: GUI: Labels in inspector can be edited while selected object receives input via API.  


* Fix: Timeline: Inconsistent inspector to clip relation for overlapping clips. E.g. nowpointer could not be set correctly in Timeline Snippet. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Follow Nowpointer causes nowpointer to be set to wrong position when nowpointer is close to next automatic scrolling step. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Shortcut to apply next or previous cue moves edit transport.  
* Fix: Timeline: If a layer-reference clip follows closely (within a few seconds) to a free loop clip on the same layer the expected preceding clip output sometimes vanished. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Resolution change of a resource (e.g. a Live Input showing up) enforces timeline to update layer scale.  
* Fix: Timeline: Rendering of Layer Reference Resource fixed if referenced layer is set to "2d Oriented Workflow".  
* Fix: Timeline: Transport was not working after multi user distribution. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Audio. Free loop audio clips started when running into a pause cue close to but before the clip. Fixed.  

* Fix: Control: Attribute kind change fully reflected in GUI.  
* Fix: Control: Action execution reporting can handle higher frequency of reports.  
* Fix: Control: ISAAC module no longer encounters Enterprise anti-tampering check.  
* Fix: Control: Connection-oriented modules with IsOpen attributes correctly show connection state.  
* Fix: Control: Import of folder-oriented modules into library via "+" button no longer only imports main.json.  
* Fix: Control: Connected actions were not executed. Fixed.

* Fix: Resource: "Case Sensitive" option for file versioning fixed.  
* Fix: Resource: Predefined color palette fixed.  
* Fix: Resource: Fixed returning custom content root as default transfer storage in some circumstances.  
* Fix: Resource: Fixed not being able to distribute resources that can't have a file version.  
* Fix: Resource: Unnecessary conversion tasks are not created anymore after project load.  
* Fix: Resource: Prevent import of files beginning with ".".  
* Fix: Resources: Assets created for all new file versions.  
* Fix: Resource: Fixed distribution of fonts.  
* Fix: Resources: Asset transfer between multi-user members made more robust (after changes necessary for incorporation of hybrid mode).  

* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed if mapping was selected in project tree and mapping was destroyed due to output changes.  
* Fix: Mapping: Video Stream can not be assigned to multiple resources in node system anymore. Changes in node system are distributed via multi-user.  
* Fix: Mapping: Multiple output mappings do not cover each other anymore if some of the mappings belong to screens only seen from the back.   
* Fix: Mapping: Update problems of warp window fixed when changing selection between rotated projectors.  
* Fix: Mapping: Output routing: Moving existing connections leads to correct disconnect of first device. Fixed missing update after take over.  
* Fix: Mapping: Crash fixed when projector has inactive mappings and color correction is changed.  
* Fix: Mapping: Changes to aggregate output layout may not lead to abandoned output assignment anymore.  

* Fix: Screen: Screen type is changed if 3d object is loaded for generic screen.  
* Fix: Screens: Missing test pattern was not created in certain situations. Fixed.  
* Fix: Screen: LED panel properties with bounds.   
* Fix: Screens: Ensure that existing testpattern resource has the correct path after loading bundled project.  
* Fix: Screen: Do not create multiple test patterns per screen anymore.  

* Fix: Multi User: Fixed not being able to select file version across multi user nodes.  
* Fix: Multi User: FX add to timeline is now distributed.  
* Fix: Multi User: Resource version distribution and selection fixed.  
* Fix: Multi User: More robust live system child name change application (new names survives engine restart).  
* Fix: Multi User: Multi-user member analysis at startup could be incomplete, leading to project transfer despite pull setting "Never". Fixed.  

* Fix: GUI: Button bar above workspace is always visible in Compositing even if no ingestion license is available.  
* Fix: GUI: Unused preview clipping controls removed. Clipping is set in preview camera.  
* Fix: GUI: Possible freeze fixed when creating unique signature for new screen group.  
* Fix: GUI: Perspective inspector loaded when perspective is selected in compositing.  

* Fix: Dry Clients: Misleading engine restart warning avoided when using default discovery IP.  
* Fix: Dry Clients: More robust live system restart after network connection becomes inoperative.  
* Fix: Dry Clients: More robust TCP/IP connection management.  

* Fix: Assets: Fixed not being able to distribute to local cache.  
* Fix: Assets: Fixed distribution overrides including local utility service not working.  

* Fix: DMX: Fixed layer transport only working when resource was dominant.  
* Fix: Audio: Fixed audio playback is stuttering when starting too many audio layers at once.  
* Fix: Preview: Layer offset scaling does not affect direct manipulation scaling anymore.  
* Fix: Direct API: Direct API access to timeline parameter values restored after preview edit or timeline fades.  
* Fix: Service: Art-Net output streams created from csv file show correct state in inspector.  
* Fix: Settings: Try to create preview cache directory if it does not exist on startup and do not fall back to C:\ .  
* Fix: Logs: Files with file extension ".log" are exported to zip file.  
* Fix: Live Input: Enumeration of Spout inputs and outputs fixed.   
* Fix: Test Patterns: Test patterns ensured after copy/paste.  
* Fix: Vioso: Wrong calibration for 360° setup fixed.  
* Fix: Softedge: Softedges were not created since version 2.0.53. Fixed.  
* Fix: Engine: Certain frames were not shown for 50fps timeline if now pointer jumped to them directly.  
* Fix: API: Screen transformation via Direct API fixed.  
* Fix: Licensing: Reset license at init maintains serial number (allowing request formulation for valid license).  
* Fix: Workspace: Missing initialization of zoom handle in warp window fixed.  
* Fix: Engine: Cube LUTs with \r\n line ending can be loaded.  


Pixera 2.0.40  
 26 MAR 24


* Brush: Multi User: Usage only applied if all outputs referenced in usage are available at time of application.  


* Fix: Projectors: Database updated to correct wrong throw ratios in lens database.  
* Fix: Projectors: Database updated to correct wrong names.  
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Resource. Resource was only visible when nowpointer was positioned in the time between 0 and the assigned resource duration. Fixed.  
* Fix: Vioso: Wrong calibration for 360° setup fixed.  
* Fix: Vioso: Table of loaded calibrations in screen's inspector is updated correctly when switching selection between multiple screens.  
* Fix: Dry Clients: Mappings not used when project is saved with incomplete live systems retained for up to one month.  

Pixera 2.0.32  
 19 MAR 24


* Brush: Timeline: New Fade-to-Time mode "Fade In".  
* Brush: Timeline: Automatic Fade In/Out via shortcut I/O. When there is an opacity curve it is not ignored for the created keys, anymore.  
* Brush: Timeline: DMX. Handle DMX input to manipulate playback analog to API input.  
* Brush: Timeline: Time distortion window set to 10s. TimeDistorter statistics logging can be enabled by dev feature.  
* Brush: Timeline: Jump to Next/Previous Cue. Shortcuts changed from 'L' and 'P' to '.' and ','.  
* Brush: Timeline: API. Added two methods concerning the activity state of cues: setActivity() and isActive().  
* Brush: Timeline: Spontaneous nowpointer repositioning. Prevent black frames.

* Brush: Control: Aux directory is not removed unless user explicitly chooses to do so; option to reuse existing aux directory when storing module in aux directory.  
* Brush: Control: Remove unused aux directories via button in Control settings.  
* Brush: Control: Control log output is written into separate file.  
* Brush: Control: Local execution optimization attempted from all GUI-driven action invocations, AM::ApiFunction::run() structure simplified.  
* Brush: Control: Unused JSON entries removed from serialized project and aux main files.

* Brush: Compositing: Layer blending can handle content with premultiplied alpha.  
* Brush: DMX: GUI is not updated for every incoming DMX value.  
* Brush: Database: Projector and LED database updated.  
* Brush: Resource: Engine can be forced to only access files for playback from local cache directories.  
* Brush: Assets: Delete media file in cache directory which are currently unused.  
* Brush: Engine: Video load performance improved.  
* Brush: Licensing: Never remove Pixera-related devices when enforcing license.  
* Brush: Dry Clients: More aggressive mapping retention in the face of unstable networks.  
* Brush: Engine: Log file extension changed to ".log".  



* Fix: Timeline: Fixed not being able to apply serialization data back onto params/folders that have a trailing whitespace in their signature.  
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger Cues. Triggering pausing timeline to pause at its current position may result in wrong output. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger Cues. Trigger Mode "Pause" or "Stop" with Time Mode "Current Time". Those cues were executed to early and incorrectly. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger Cues. SMPTE In governed Timelines sometimes did unintentionally react on trigger cues. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Timeline opacity changes in a short period (a few frames) before preloaded jumps sometimes led to black output after jump. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Notch block replace tries to match existing layer structure to new notch block parameter structure by removing numbering.  
* Fix: Timeline: Wait Cue. Waiting time did decrease to fast. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Fade-to-Time mode. "Fade In - Fade Out" did not fade as expected each second time. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Preview Editing. Notch blocks vanished on output when preview editing was started. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: SMPTE In. Wait cues were not ignored, unintentionally. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Insert time behaviour is now more consistent.  
* Fix: Timeline: Trigger Cues. Time confusion of triggered timeline when starting playback of triggering timeline only a couple of frames in front of the trigger cue.  
* Fix: Timeline: Spontaneous jumps within the same clip led to frozen frames. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: World transformation parameters of Compositing layers are initialized from user editable json file.  
* Fix: Timeline: Jump to Next/Previous Cue. Activity state 'Ignore Once' was not updated. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Jump and Trigger Cues. Very short preload times led to missing output. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Clip scaling is not reset anymore when first change was applied in inspector or timeline parameter.  
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant resources were not shown without an underlying clip. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Preview Edit. Shift+Spacebar and Shift+"GUI Timeline Buttons" did not control the Output Nowpointer anymore. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Free Loop Clips. When nowpointer leaves out faded free loop clip, sometimes there were flashes at the end of the out faded clip. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Inpoint clips. Sometimes clips are ignoring inpoint in first frame. I.e. first frame of resource is visible. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Timeline speed. Jump cues with timeline speed unequal 1 were not usable anymore. Timeline clip timing was completely wrong after jump. Fixed.  
* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Resource. Next assigned dominant resource showed incorrect frame when before there was a looping dominant-resource state aborted. Fixed.

* Fix: Resource: Fixed trying to distribute to dry clients.  
* Fix: Resource: Import of exr image sequences fixed.  
* Fix: Resource: Prevent creation of unnecessary assets.

* Fix: GUI: Crash fixed which happened due to changes in previous version to reduce gui updates when receiving DMX.  
* Fix: GUI: File path in cmd line arguments can contain () or [].  
* Fix: GUI: Library tree: custom folders and live input folder can not be deleted anymore.

* Fix: API: Resource adding via API more robust regarding file versions.  
* Fix: API: Cue application without blend duration led to unexpected frames on output. Fixed.  
* Fix: API: Compound.setParamValue JSON implementation always returns a result object.

* Fix: Control: Possible crash avoided at action invocation in GUI.  
* Fix: Control: Aux directory copied as part of project backup due to version change.  
* Fix: Control: Web UI works again (broken only in 2.0.28). 

* Fix: Resource: Possible crash fixed when scanning for versions if content was added from NAS before.  
* Fix: Resource: Image sequence distribution fixed.  
* Fix: Resource: Clips of image sequences are created with original length even when images inbetween are missing.  
* Fix: Resource: Wrong file destination path of resource which was added from NAS for file transfer corrected.

* Fix: Multi User: Do not check Control licenses when receiving remote project if Control reception is set to keep local modules.  
* Fix: Multi User: Option to always transfer all Control data on project transfer if the project is different (allowing automatic Control init on project change).  
* Fix: Multi User: Push/Pull Timeline. Nowpointer of Timeline did not appear after distribution. Fixed.

* Fix: Mapping: Crash fixed when dmx fixture was applied to multi selection.  
* Fix: Mapping: Output assignment of projector can be cleared in output inspector.  
* Fix: Mapping: Possible problems when selecting control points of FFD modifier by marquee fixed.  
* Fix: Mapping: Multiple interlinked fixes that all address possible mapping losses.  
* Fix: Mapping: Loosing mappings and output assignments due to conflicts between GUI and nngine updates fixed.

* Fix: Engine: Alpha layer of Unreal and Unity can be ignored.  
* Fix: Engine: Fixed problem introduced in 2.0.21 causing corrupt video output.  
* Fix: Engine: Fixed too high memory consumption after leaving and entering full screen.  
* Fix: Engine: ProRes YCbCr fixed.  
* Fix: Engine: Fully overlapping output aggregates are not counted for licensing  
* Fix: Engine: Fixed shutting down RX processes at Pixera shutdown.  
* Fix: Engine: NDI Audio In fixed

* Fix: DMX: Crash fixed when timeline is patched without layers.  
* Fix: Dry Clients: More robust state management when previously used network adapter is not available.  
* Fix: Assets: Reverted to only retrieving connected services for distribution targets to remedy problem with multiple services that have the same name.  
* Fix: Screen Groups: ScreenGroup changes lead to update of compositing layers.  
* Fix: Dry Clients: Output disabled state more consistently reflected in name.  
* Fix: Studio Camera: Studio Camera removal also destroys created screen groups.  
* Fix: API: Timecode input from API did not work correctly if correct drif was enabled. Fixed.  
* Fix: Live Input: Resolution and/or frame rate of VideoStream can be edited again if input mode is editable.  
* Fix: Live Input: Available video modes of Direct Show devices were not enumerated correctly. Fixed.  



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