Get the handle of an object
It is possible to copy the handle of an element by right-clicking on them and selecting "Copy Handle to Clipboard".
In 1.8 versions of Pixera we will need to manually gain access to handles on instances. Most instances in Pixera can use the “getInst(string path)” method which will return the handle of the instance.
Clips do not have a handle that can be returned from “getInst(string path)”, so in this case we will need to use the "getId()" function to return the ID of the clip, and then create a handle as described below.
How to use the handle in Control with Lua Code
Most functions can use the handle as an argument!
We will set the text of this Text Resource as example:
--first we create a handle object and copy the handle local handle = pixc.createHandle(6241433728519295) --then we can do api calls directly with the handle Pixera.Resources.Resource.setText(handle,"Hello World")
How to use the handle in the API with JSON
As an example, we set the same command with the API
{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":18, "method":"Pixera.Resources.Resource.setText", "params":{"handle":6241433728519295, "text":"API"}}
Pixera 1.9.135 | 11. September 2023