If you ever need to ingest external data via json here is a sample code.
This code has been provided by Benjamin Mueller from http://benni-m.de/
Notes from Benni:
A few things about using tables or json in Control / Lua Control.
Lua has two data options to get table data or list objects. First is basicly just the name. e.g.
{ "test": "Hello World"}
If you converted this to the LUA script posted below you get access to the token "test" in two different ways:
jsondecoded["test"] or jsondecoded.test
If you have a list that you like to use, the index starts with 1. e.g.
{ "test": ["Hello", "World"]} jsondecoded["test"][1] or jsondecoded.test[1] for the word "Hello"
and jsondecoded["test"][2] or jsondecoded.test[2] for the word "World"
With this method you can get all the values you need.
e.g. for more complex situation where you have normal values and lists of values:
{ "test": [ {"message":"Hello"}, {"message":"World"} ] } jsondecoded["test"][1]["message"]
or jsondecoded.test[1].message for "Hello"
and jsondecoded["test"][2]["message"]
or jsondecoded.test[2].message for "World"
For more examples of Lua Tables: https://www.lua.org/pil/2.5.html
--Sample Code:
local json=require "json"
local open=io.open
local function read_file(path)
local file = open(path, "rb") --r read mode and b binary mode
if not file then return nil end
local content = file:read "*a" --*a or *all reads the whole file
return content
local fileContent = read_file("D:\\testfolder\\test.json")
local jsonDecoded = json.decode(fileContent)